Post Archives
“Dance of the Dead”
Richard Matheson’s short story, “Dance of the Dead”, is a fine example of matching up pacing and action. The story opens with four college kids racing across the plains in a “Rotor-Motors Convertible, Model C, 1997”. The kids are engaged in drinking, drugs, and sex as …
My First Paying Market!
I got up this morning, groggy as hell. Yeah, getting up at 4 am will do that to ya. But, it’s paying off! In my inbox was my first acceptance notice! My short story, Gray, is to be published in the January 2009 edition of Necrotic Tissue!
Sweeeeet… I’m going back to bed.
you sense my hesitation.
This is the color of DREAM
we are children, unseeing
we open our eye
unlocking the verse and meter
of the universe.
This is the color of FORGET
it is here
look closer.
this is the color
This is the color of SAD
baby girl, club-footed …