Post Archives

Reading List for 2012

Following the lead of Chris Shearer and Heidi Ruby Miller, I’m sharing my reading list from 2012.

My goal was 40 books, and I came in just over at 41. Some of my favorites were Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro, John Dies at the End by David Wong, Westlake Soul by Rio Youers, The Passage by Justin …

The Next Big Thing

Sheldon Higdon asked if I’d do this “Next Big Thing” blog chain. I’m not particularly keen on this sort of thing, mainly because my work is so volatile right up until it goes out the door, but Sheldon’s a good friend, and my last post on this project was somewhat cryptic. So I thought I would …

The Duotrope Question

Over the past couple of weeks writers have been debating the wisdom of Duotrope’s decision to start charging for their service. The site’s been around for years and has relied solely on donations to keep it running. And apparently donations were not enough.

Like so many others, I’ve been considering …