Post Archives

Goodbye WordPress

I’m done with WordPress. It’s wonderful, but it’s too much for me. I know in this day and age it seems every aspiring writer runs a tight blog, with frequent posts and guests and insightful advice on writing. But that’s not for me.

I spent too much time over the past few …

Time for a Change

For the past two years, I used this blog to publish most of my reading journals for my graduate program. I graduated in June, and now it’s time to give this place a new purpose.

I’ve put a lot of thought into what kind of thing this site should morph into, and I haven’t quite …

Scrivener for Windows… …

There are some interesting things going on at Literature & Latte. First, they’ve released a Windows Beta version of their unique and popular writing software Scrivener, which isn’t really news. However, what doesn’t seem well-known yet is that on their message boards, a group …